Friday, October 20, 2017

"What is spirit?"

 A silhouette of a person

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answered, “Spirit is that aspect of you that confers with the divine. You are like an onion (how’s that for an analogy). You are built as layer upon layer. It is difficult to see when you have reached the very last layer. They do not end, but merely become more dense. That Is the spirit to you. It is that core, that aspect of your being that interacts directly with the divine. It is the core of the onion.

 “Many people think of the human being as consisting of a soul, spirit, mind, body. That’s a four-tier system. There are others who say that it is spirit, consciousness, mind, body, soul. There are many systems of thought, naming conventions for the layers of the onion. In some Eastern systems there are more than a dozen layers. But still, the same, the spirit is wholly you and wholly divine. In this way it is a paradox. You control what your spirit does through the use of your free will. You can will it to be more in harmony with the Universe, or you can lose yourself in dissonance. Your spirit will follow. So be careful to fill your spirit with the light from above as only that light will truly sustain you.”

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