Sunday, October 29, 2017

I ask, “What is being awake? Am I not already awake?”

A person standing next to a body of water next to the ocean

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “You have an old story that goes like this: The Master was walking down the road when he was confronted by another man traveling in the other direction. The man, seeing the radiant aura of peace and tranquility around the Master stopped and asked, “Are you a rich man?” The Master said, “No.” The man asked, “Are you a noble man?” Once again, the Master answered, “No.” “Are you a wise man?” “No.” “Are you a holy man?” “No.” “Then how is it that you have such an aura that it outshines everything else with its peace and tranquility?” The master answered with 3 words, “I am awake.”

“Be like the Master. Awaken yourselves to the Spirit within. Allow Spirit to flow through you freely without comment or distraction. Give it expression. Allow it to move in and through you and do its will. There is nothing to fear. You will stop dreaming of multiplicity, the illusion we call reality, and will awaken to the truth of Unity, of the non-differentiated self, of your own spirit mind and see that they are one and the same.

“Be the eye of the hurricane. As the world roils and violently swirls around you maintain your center of tranquility and peace by awakening to the reality of the whole storm. You do not confine yourself to the edges where wind and rain pose such a great danger and where all you can see is blackness building around you. In the eye, you see the sun, radiant in the sky. You must revel in its light and warmth. You must be greedy in your enjoyment of Spirit. You must take it into every pore of your body, every one of your senses within your own mind and radiate peace and tranquility all around you. This is the present moment that you must awaken to. Then you will carry it with you. Awakening is the difference between being in the eye of the storm and being the eye of the storm itself.”

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