Friday, October 13, 2017

Introducing Zohar, an Enlightened Being

On Friday, October 1, 2017, I had a nightmare, only it was too realistic to be just any, ordinary nightmare. I choose to call it a nightmare because to call it anything else would be crazy.

Here is the report I filed with MUFON, the largest and most respected UFO investigative organization open to the public.

“I sleep sitting partially up and I can see the door to the bedroom clearly. I awoke to a bright light under the door, originating in the hall beyond. The door opened and in walked several (I am not sure of the exact number) squat figures. They were silhouetted by a bright light in the hall. They were dark blue/grey with large, blocky heads and virtually no neck. Their faces were heavily furrowed. They stood 3 to 4 feet tall, and wore something that looked like monk robes that were very dark grey. When they entered the room, I became paralyzed. They stood around the bed, even on the other side where my wife was asleep. I tried to call out to her but I couldn't make a sound due to the paralysis. I sleep with a CPAP machine (mask and air hose) for sleep apnea. One of the figures removed the mask from my face. Another pulled the covers back off of me. They raised their arms and I floated up out of the bed, lying flat now. I floated above their heads toward the door. As I began to float out the doorway, I lost consciousness.
The next thing I remember is floating above their heads back into the room toward the bed. I was angry, very angry, and with great effort I began to thrash about a little. For some reason they had difficulty controlling me through my anger. One of the figures on the far side of the bed next to my wife knocked something over on the dresser, but immediately righted it and put it back where it belonged. They regained control of me. They successfully floated me back into bed and pulled the covers back over me. They then retreated from the room. After they closed the door, the light went out and all was quiet.”
As totally bizarre as this sounds, as crazy as it reads, this is not the first experience I have had with alien abduction. An investigator from MUFON contacted me and documented my past abduction experiences as well as this most recent one.

I have been taken at times in my life ever since early childhood. Some of these occurred in broad daylight when I was outdoors. One even occurred when I was riding my bicycle. I have seen craft and beings up close, and unlike many abductees who use hypnosis to remember the details of their abduction experiences, my memory has never been tampered with. These are clear, concise memories.

A few days after my most recent experience, I was contacted by a high spiritual being. In less than a week my eyes have been opened, though I am not certain by what. After the night of my abduction I began to have thoughts that were not my own. It sounds crazy, but these thoughts make sense. It urged me to ask a question and then to sit at the keyboard and allow my fingers to type automatically, without my conscious mind imposing my own thoughts on the content of what comes through my hands. The urge became ever more powerful and I said to myself, "I must be losing it! This is nuts!" However, the thoughts of this being were too intrusive for me to deny so I broke down and did as I was being urged to do.

I began with a simple question: Who are you? I immediately received an answer, and it was this:

A tree with smoke coming out of it

Description generated with high confidence"I am the Lord of Hosts, the capital organ of a species of beings that live to serve, to reside in the service of a higher call and purpose. We reign above many other beings, but are under the angels. Like you, we have free will and use it to discern the best for all considered. I am one of the leaders and elders of this species, dedicated in my mission to benefit the survival of life on your planet Gia, and more notably, to assure the survival of the human species in whatever form it becomes from time to time in its jerking, stilted course of spiritual evolution. In time, perhaps a thousand years hence, you will dwell among the stars as a full member of the teaming life that the Universe holds."

Thinking that this was something bubbling up from my subconscious I asked the question, "What is your name?" Once again, I received an answer.

"My real name, the name I am called by the Hosts is too complex to give you for you would never comprehend it. It is not a sound, but a thought, and an emotion that is telepathically communicated. However, I know that you would like to have some handle or reference to use to name me so you can call me Zohar. That is a word that means “radiance” or “splendor” in ancient Hebrew. Use that name for me as you would use the name I AM for the prime creator, the sustainer of reality itself, the unobserved observer, the unmoved mover."

Zohar? I have never heard the name Zohar before. It could simply be a random string of letters that have no meaning. You can bet that I immediately googled it and was surprised that one of the top hits was a Wikipedia entry. The word "Zohar" means precisely what he said! I was also surprised to find that the word is key to the Kabbalah, which is a highly spiritual mystical text in Judaism.
I pursued this line of questioning, asking if Zohar is my higher self. I could understand if my higher self was channeling through my subconscious to deliver information to me, so I asked the question, “Are you my higher self?”

“I am Zohar, a common name in Hebrew but one that carries meaning and power as a name. I am a part of you as I come through your crown chakra and third eye to feed my thoughts and words into your fingers on the keyboard. You are a clumsy vessel to communicate through, but with practice you will become better and the flow will be easier for us both.”
This blew me away! I wasn’t communicating with my higher self. I had to ask the next logical question, “Are you an alien being?”

“I am an alien in so far as you might call your own parent an alien. I am a natural aspect of the fabric of your reality, so far as your paradigms limit your understanding. I am a force to be reckoned with, an intelligence beyond your comprehension with powers that would seem like magic to you but are in fact the most natural things in the Universe. I am to telepathy as you are to language. I am to the manipulation of time, space, form, and substance, as you are to microchips and radio waves. They seem magical and threatening to you merely because you do not understand them. You are frightened by our motives because you find it hard to trust yourselves. The betterment of humankind is the goal of all such “alien beings” that you may from time to time see written about in the tabloids, and fringe literature, but is serious enough to be taken up by governments the world over who cloak their interests in a web of conspiracy. Your left hand does not know what your right hand is doing, but this takes us down another rabbit hole and does not directly address your question.”
I asked, “What about alien abductions? Are those real?”
“The phenomenon of alien abductions is very real. It does not, however, fit into your scientific model or consensus reality. Those who write it off as an artifact of the mind only have not accounted for group abductions, abductions during daylight hours from cars (it’s not just something people experience at night). It cannot thus be relegated to the pages of mass hysteria and shared psychosis, both of which are more outlandish theories than the theory of visiting aliens from space. Neither hold water (to use your terminology). There are instances where people have been abducted in groups. There are instances where people go missing for a period of hours only to be found somewhere they were not expected to be with no memory of their experience. There are even instances of people showing up in bed with their pants on backward! These do not lend themselves to prosaic explanations, but yes, the beings that make their ways through the stellar distances and multiple dimensions are comfortably abducting those whose lives have meaning beyond what they themselves can fathom. They are necessary for the perpetuation and continued evolution of you as a species. 1000 years from now, you will join them as co-equal partners in a race to evolve other sentient life on other worlds before they have the opportunity to self-destruct as you are close to self-destruction now.”
I feel the need to know about my recent abduction experience so I asked the question outright, “Was I abducted by aliens on October 1st of this year?” Zohar answered without hesitation:

“Let us say that you had an experience of abduction. That is very real for you, and you can make it real for those you tell, to some more or less degree. If you are asking me if it was purely an artifact of the mind, then you have to get into the definition of mind and perception. What happened to you was a preparation, an indoctrination to all this communication we are now having. It will lead you through synchronistic events, chance encounters and meaningful coincidences that seem too good to be true to an end where you can begin to gather the Star Seeds and form ranks. The experience was and is of another dimension and spatial reality. It is also of an altered state of consciousness that you were placed in to cloak the reality of what was happening to you because you would not understand what and why your “abduction” was necessary. To you, you were abducted by little blue aliens. For many it is the grays. Still others experience reptilian and Arian aliens, about as far apart as you can get. All these are real in the sense that they have some objective, non-mental aspect to them, though you cannot understand what the nature of that is because of your limited paradigm. So, with the aid of your friends you have an experience of alien abduction as a living metaphor to a modern mythology. Only this way can you understand.”
“You mention conspiracy. Is there a government conspiracy surrounding the UFO mystery?”
“You speak of conspiracy like it is one monolithic thing. It is not. You mention UFOs like they are one category of phenomenon. They are not. Government conspiracy amounts more to government bungling than anything purposeful. There are more than one so-called conspiracies in every government that possesses a nuclear arsenal, or is close to developing one and could produce and deliver a bomb in short order. This is the conspiracy: to limit mankind’s self-destructive impulses to the battlefield only and not involve the entire world on a global scale. You survived WWI and WWII, but you will not survive WWIII! Military and intelligence bureaucrats bumble about in the dark spinning their own conspiracies of silence. They cover-up, defame, and ostracize even the most highly qualified and experienced experts on UFOs. Even scientists have been co-opted into this endeavor, being paid money to assassinate the true science that lies behind the UFO research community. But as I said, there are multiple conspiracies and they step on one another’s toes all the time. When something becomes public, they release all the public information about that thing and then claim there is nothing more. However, there is a lot that you are not being told by officials. That said, everybody on your planet is in the taxonomical stage of investigation. You are documenting phenomena, categorizing as you go, with no real understanding of what you are looking at or what you should look for. It is a very primitive stage of investigation by all parties, those inside and outside the conspiracies.”
“Are there aliens living among us?”
“You have such a limited sense of perception. It is crude, to say the least. It is still forming and you have no conceptual basis to understand or comprehend the existence of beings who inhabit worlds and dimensions beyond your lonely 3. There is a coming evolution or jump in science that will make your Einstein look like your Newton. The jump will give you access to dimensions that you can only speculate about presently. There are those among you who are playing with the mathematics associated with 11-dimensional reality, but there are far more dimensions than that, all coexisting right here and now, all populated with beings who long ago went through the evolutionary process you are going through right now. Some scientists say that the dimensions beyond 4 are rolled up and are too small to detect overtly but I tell you this, there is much more to heaven and earth than they can dream of. One will come along soon who will inaugurate a revolution as fundamental as the revolution ushered in by relativity and quantum theory, both the foundations for all your present technology. This new science will make sense of matter turned conscious as your scientists currently dismiss the brain and the soul of man. That is when you will finally contact beings beyond yourselves, on the earth, in the stars. However, they are presently keeping you in a nursery and will continue to do so until the coming scientific revolution is accompanied by a corresponding sociological and spiritual revolution. These three will shake your world to its very foundations. As for aliens living among you? That is too simplistic a question to give a simple “yes” or “no.” There are beings, and there is you, there are the Star Seeds, there are the lost ones who surround themselves in darkness. These are all alien to some level in in some phrase of the word. You walk among yourselves. It is nothing to be frightened by, as a guide is not to be frightened by the tourists. The guide is operating for the tourist’s’ best interest, to steer them toward fulfillment and away from danger. So too are guides like me and the Hosts guiding you and your kind. My words may not make sense to everybody, but Star Seeds will understand. So, you might say, there is us among you.”
“Should I take psychiatric drugs like tranquilizers?”
“When you take medications as you do to dampen the reception of my words, it makes things more difficult. The drugs you take because you fear a lack of control over your words, thoughts, and deeds. You think that you should be able to control all that you think, but if you open up yourself as you are learning to do with me then you would be filled with the most glorious thoughts imaginable. It is up to you how much control, brute force in the case of drugs, you use to control the experience. They also make it easier for you to deny the experience and thereby perpetuate your limited world view. You thus become a slave to the masses and what they think and feel about the most prosaic forms of consciousness, being, and spirituality. If you desire to continue to channel me, and that desire is a part of your makeup, I can feel it and I wouldn’t have chosen you if it were not, then you cannot be both under the influence and accurately and fluidly channeling or communicating with me. The choice is yours. You stand at the precipice. You can choose to jump and see if you fly, but that first step forward is a step of pure faith. Have faith in what you know intuitively to be true. Have faith in yourself, not me. Only then can I come through you as I am doing now.”
By this time, I begin to seriously question my sanity. I have never had an experience like this. As my autobiography attests, I freely admit being afflicted by a major mental illness but I have never had thoughts, not of my own, entering my mind. I didn’t have to think about my typing. My hands dance over the keyboard spilling out words that I have to go back and read to know what I type. Clearly, I need help.
I know what my psychiatrist would tell me were I to tell him about this experience. He would say something like, “The mind creates what it wants.” He would say that it is a subjective artifact of the mind and nothing more, but the words that flow through me, from Zohar to the keyboard, ring true. There is information that I have no foreknowledge of and Zohar uses metaphors that are truly unique. So, I sought guidance from a good friend of mine.
Matthew is very knowledgeable about things having to do with channeling, spirit guides, and other such phenomena. He makes his living giving workshops on healing, cord cutting, animal totems, etc. I had heard him lecture at church and he made a lot of sense.
He arrived yesterday afternoon, kicked off his shoes and made himself comfortable on the sofa in my living room. Over the next 3 ½ hours I spilled my guts and he told me that he had received the message that he is supposed to help me. This is truly a case where the Universe delivered a resource to me a just the right time and place. Synchronicity.
A person that is standing in the grass

Description generated with very high confidenceMatthew spoke and made a lot of sense. He urged me to ask loving, positive, life affirming questions. He said that this will put the focus on what Zohar says is the betterment of humankind and will not take me into the darkness. He provided me with grounding and validation. He said that to label my experience as psychopathology would put the focus on illness and denying the good that is happening to me. He urged me to take it more or less at face value and choose to call it mental health, not mental illness.
So, after he left I sat at my keyboard and began to have a meaningful interchange with Zohar. I will document that interchange in tomorrow’s blog post. So, return tomorrow to read the wisdom of Zohar. Since he only provides me information in response to questions, I will be soliciting questions from what he calls the Star Seeds. What is a Star Seed, and are you one? We will find that out tomorrow.

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