Friday, October 27, 2017

I ask, “What about existing religions? I am a Christian. Do I have to give that up?”

A picture containing book, text, indoor, open

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “We do not wish for you to give up your religious faith. A Star Seed may remain Christian, or Buddhist, or Muslim, or whatever other faith they are. No given religion has the corner on Star Seeds. As one, you have selected a Master whose teachings you follow, and that is good. However, you may feel alienated within your own faith. You may feel that your religion no longer applies to you, that somehow you are different. Many things about your religion may not ‘feel right’ to you, even though you know the doctrine well.

“This causes psychic conflict between your innate spiritual nature and the intellectual, rule based religious prescripts of your particular faith. This conflict will intensify until you either lose your faith or you succumb to doctrine and attempt to shut out all genuine spirituality. Star Seeds are created as spiritual beings, so this will never work in the long run. In both cases you are denying your spiritual nature. You will end up becoming a neurotic if you try, and that is at best. Often such repression manifests as a feeling of spiritual hollowness and depression. This can be dangerous. This Is a sure sign that you need spiritual revision.

“You must begin by recognizing that none of the scriptures you read are the actual writings of the Master whose teachings you follow. It is legend only that says your scriptures are their actual words, recorded with pen and ink as the they emerged from your Master’s mouth. Check with your progressive academic authorities and you will find that the scripture in its present form wasn’t set in stone until more than 100 years after the passing of your Master. This is true for all religions.

“The words you now read were passed down and heavily selected and edited along the way, edited according to the agenda of the elite who have put their own stamp of power on both the written word and contemporary interpretation. But if you strip the words back to their deep meaning, what the Master originally intended, you will discover a perennial spirituality, the spirituality that runs deep inside all your religions.

“This spirituality is a common thread that transcends heavy cultural trappings and the power of your priestly structure. It is perennial because it has been taught to, and understood by, the holiest of your holy people. They secretly study and contemplate this for years to discern such Truth as really lies in the scriptures, divorced from the accepted doctrinal interpretation, which is all too often based on an intellect alone, disconnected from the heartmind and thereby it is in error. It has all too often become a vehicle for Darkness.

“As a Star Seed you must shed your Light to dispel the Dark that has taken up residence within yourself. Begin by understanding that you are made of divine essence. Your Master, Jesus, taught that “the kingdom of God is within.” You will find this sentiment echoed in the Hindu Upanishad, the Buddhist Sutras, the Muslim Koran, the Jewish Talmud, and so on down to the most primitive religions of tribal nations. Own the divinity within yourself. Honor it, and do good by it, but above all else, learn to love it. See it manifest in others for just as surely as you have a heart of divinity, so do all people.

“Love that divine spark in everybody you meet, even your enemies. Know that the divine, that God, loves you back. Out of such sublime love you will begin to discover your own Light and you will start out on the right path.

“Tread carefully! This path may lead you away from traditional doctrine and might trigger fear from religious authorities who will react with anger! Be aware; they are from the Dark. Shine your Light inward to begin with.”

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