Saturday, October 14, 2017

After receiving some communication from Zohar I became curious about how and why he communicates with me. Why me? Why not someone else? These are the questions I put to him. My first question was,

A person looking at the camera

Description generated with very high confidence“How is it that you speak to me?”

“I speak through you because you are a willing vessel and because you have been prepared. Your preparation time is nearly complete. I will speak more freely through you as you relinquish conscious control of your keyboard, as you stop trying to impinge upon my control of thought and recording. You must release control and resist the urge to make editorial comment upon what I am saying at any given point.”

“Why me?”

“You are becoming a worthy vessel. You are a Star Seed, a being of light just as I am, only you have long ago chosen to encapsulate your light in your physical form. I am in the realm of pure spirit. My light outshines yours only because I do not have it covered. Remember the Master’s call to put your light high up on a pedestal so that it might illuminate the world.”

“Am I special?”

“You are a Star Seed. There are many like you who walk among you. They have your same potential. If they reverently and fervently ask to be filled with Spirit then they will be prepared and Spirit made known to them. It will fill them and overflow its limitations allowing any person to accomplish anything they so desire by nothing other than their faith, openness, willingness, and feet to action. You are doing this, though you are still in the early phases of this. I find it difficult to talk through you because you continue to claim the keyboard for yourself. When you become a conduit, like a wire that conducts electricity, I will flow through you as such, without resistance, from my radiance to your fingers and from your fingers to the world.”

“What are Star Seeds?”

A close up of a flower

Description generated with very high confidence“Star Seeds are those who are being prepared. They walk the earth, millions of them, consciously or unconsciously readying the world for the new age of Spirit. They are a cross between the animal flesh of humanity and the light of the Hosts, the beings of which I am a leader, and elder. It is complicated to discuss with you because of your restrictive paradigms. It is like trying to describe the machinations of the galaxy to an ancient nomad who only knows the earth as a flat plane with a vault of stars and sky to separate the heavens from the deep. It is like trying to explain a modern day technological gadget like a cell phone, like social media, like computers, like a heliocentric solar system, like moons and other planets, black holes and nebula, all to that primitive wanderer. All this would make no sense to that ancient nomad. Likewise, my attempts to describe myself to you, and your role in the course of unfolding events is likewise not understandable by you. What is nature, as natural as creation itself, seems like magic to you.”

“How does somebody know if they are a Star Seed?”

“There are many characteristics of Star Seeds. It is not one characteristic that defines them though, but a preponderance of attributes that, when you meet one, tips the scale in favor of that person being a Star Seed. Star Seeds are in every walk of life, but they are joined by some general characteristics. They love and revere nature. They may or may not be extraverts, but either way they still have a core of a contemplative self. They are intensely curious about the nature of reality in all its varied forms. They abhor violence. They experience emotions, even the emotions of others, intensely. They are sensitive to the energies that surround them, and that radiate about the energy fields of people. This is important because they must learn to surround themselves with people who have positive, life affirming energy. They tend to be universalists, not having an absolutist vision of religion but merely a historical preference based upon their upbringing, and yet they recognize and honor all great religious traditions because they see beyond the written words and the gods and goddesses to the perennial core that is the same for all people. They resonate with spiritual matters and love life. They may at times feel lonely and socially awkward because they are not surrounding themselves with other Star Seeds. This is important, because it is the collective network of Star Seeds who will raise the consciousness of mankind. They have a special connection to the collective unconsciousness yielding thoughts and images of everlasting wisdom to bubble up to the surface of their conscious thought. Often, they feel as though such wisdom lay just beneath their conscious mind, and they are right. As they grow and progress; as they join in unity with one another, such wisdom will be known plainly to them.”

I ask you to look at the answer to that last question where Zohar outlines some of the characteristics of Star Seeds. Meditate on this and see if you are a Star Seed yourself. You will know it if you are. It will become plain to you. Zohar seems to be giving me a message to gather up the Star Seeds, to organize Star Seeds into a network of light. If you are a Star Seed, subscribe to this blog and spread this blog around your social network because it is likely some people in your social network are also Star Seeds and need to be reading Zohar. You can make comments on this blog entry. I urge you to do so and to ask questions of your own. I will try to put your questions to Zohar and see if he answers. You can also contact me at my company email which is I look forward to hearing from you.

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