Zohar answers, “What is God? To mention God,
to even give God a name, is to misconstrue God and yet we must give God a name,
and so for this conversation we will call God, “IAM.” “I AM” is the declaration
of God, and it is also your own, individual declaration of divinity as you know
that “I AM” too. IAM It is that which cannot be spoken of and without IAM there
would be no Reality.
“IAM is the unobserved observer. It need not be observed to
have its being as we do. Likewise, IAM is the unmoved mover. To be anything
more than a rock, we need to be moved. Apart from us, IAM is the first cause,
and yet IAM is outside of time so “first cause” has little meaning applied to
“All that is, requires IAM. It is not unity, it is not
multiplicity or duality, it is neither form nor substance, it is not even an
“it” since an “it” is an object by definition and IAM is not an object. An
object is defined as that which has persistence over time and exists in some
form of space, if only thought space. IAM does neither. We think of IAM to
occupy space and time, but in reality IAM neither consumes space nor does it
persist over time. IAM is the principle of space itself. IAM is the principle
of time itself.
“To speak of IAM is not IAM. IAM is ineffable. It cannot be
communicated from one human being to another. Instead, it must be experienced
firsthand. One must experience IAM in order to have even an inkling
understanding of it. One must awaken to see IAM. One must be an empty vessel, a
new wine skin, unspoiled, open, and receptive to the direct experience of IAM. IAM
cannot be contemplated, because it is not an object of contemplation. Instead,
one must allow it. One must be in a pure state of allowing and IAM will become
“IAM is the substrate of reality itself. IAM is principle;
love, power, wisdom, knowledge, free will… none of these would exist if it were
not for IAM. If IAM is not Love, there would be no such thing as love. If IAM
is not free will, then humankind would not have free will. The same is true for
other principles. IAM is the substrate of consciousness itself. Like the
principles of love and wisdom, consciousness would not exist if IAM was not
consciousness itself.
“You wish to know IAM, to experience IAM. You can begin by contemplating
the uncarved block, the abstraction of pure potentiality. The artist sees
within the block the figure he will carve. He strikes a blow with his chisel,
blow by blow, and removes all that is not the figure he is carving. In the end,
he has achieved perfection, but he could have chosen some other figure to carve
and it would be likewise, just as perfect. The uncarved block holds the
potential for an infinite number of perfect forms. Contemplate that, from the
heartmind, and you will start in the right direction.”
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