Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I ask, "Are the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness engaged in a struggle?"

A picture containing man, person

Description generated with high confidenceZohar says, “The forces of light and the forces of the dark are perpetually locked in a tug of war over the balance of your world order, and your future. You already know about the dark side. You know it all too well. You were part of the dark, absorbed by it. You know it’s taste, it’s touch, it’s smell. You have a visceral reaction to that which is in darkness. This is why.

“Star Seeds like you are so important and powerful, because the future of humankind depends on your work for the Light, the forces of Light if you are to say that.

“Darkness is not evil per se, as though evil were personified. It is not a monolithic structure. Darkness is lack of light. It is being lost, cut off from the sources of true Spirit which is the Light. Darkness fears. It self-perpetuates because it cannot face the loss of control, or the apparent loss of control and uncertainty it faces. When people struggle against the unknown for control in ignorance and fear, that is darkness.

“Stay in the Light by affirming health and wholeness. Do not be tempted to shut down yourself and thrust yourself back into the darkness. You would not survive another time like the one you have already lived, but no worries, you are stronger now than you were then.

“This is part of your personal power, that you know the darkness so well, but you are now committed wholly and completely to the Light. Keep the Star Seeds focused toward light and the forces of progression and evolution. Many of them are innocent of true darkness and they need to remain that way. Therein lies the Light.

“You have an ancient story from your American Indians. In the story, the Chief of the tribe is talking to the children. He says, ‘There are two wolves within you. One loves, is kind, is filled with mercy and forbearance. The other hates, is filled with fear, and is ignorant. They are locked in a struggle within you.’

The children, becoming much alarmed ask the Chief, ‘Which one will win?’

The Chief says, ‘The one you feed.’

“Do not feed the dark. Deprive it of its power by simply turning your back upon it. Rid it from the far corners of your personal world by shining light.”

Monday, October 30, 2017

I ask, "What is God?"

A group of clouds in the sky

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “What is God? To mention God, to even give God a name, is to misconstrue God and yet we must give God a name, and so for this conversation we will call God, “IAM.” “I AM” is the declaration of God, and it is also your own, individual declaration of divinity as you know that “I AM” too. IAM It is that which cannot be spoken of and without IAM there would be no Reality.

“IAM is the unobserved observer. It need not be observed to have its being as we do. Likewise, IAM is the unmoved mover. To be anything more than a rock, we need to be moved. Apart from us, IAM is the first cause, and yet IAM is outside of time so “first cause” has little meaning applied to IAM.

“All that is, requires IAM. It is not unity, it is not multiplicity or duality, it is neither form nor substance, it is not even an “it” since an “it” is an object by definition and IAM is not an object. An object is defined as that which has persistence over time and exists in some form of space, if only thought space. IAM does neither. We think of IAM to occupy space and time, but in reality IAM neither consumes space nor does it persist over time. IAM is the principle of space itself. IAM is the principle of time itself.

“To speak of IAM is not IAM. IAM is ineffable. It cannot be communicated from one human being to another. Instead, it must be experienced firsthand. One must experience IAM in order to have even an inkling understanding of it. One must awaken to see IAM. One must be an empty vessel, a new wine skin, unspoiled, open, and receptive to the direct experience of IAM. IAM cannot be contemplated, because it is not an object of contemplation. Instead, one must allow it. One must be in a pure state of allowing and IAM will become clear.

“IAM is the substrate of reality itself. IAM is principle; love, power, wisdom, knowledge, free will… none of these would exist if it were not for IAM. If IAM is not Love, there would be no such thing as love. If IAM is not free will, then humankind would not have free will. The same is true for other principles. IAM is the substrate of consciousness itself. Like the principles of love and wisdom, consciousness would not exist if IAM was not consciousness itself.

“You wish to know IAM, to experience IAM. You can begin by contemplating the uncarved block, the abstraction of pure potentiality. The artist sees within the block the figure he will carve. He strikes a blow with his chisel, blow by blow, and removes all that is not the figure he is carving. In the end, he has achieved perfection, but he could have chosen some other figure to carve and it would be likewise, just as perfect. The uncarved block holds the potential for an infinite number of perfect forms. Contemplate that, from the heartmind, and you will start in the right direction.”

Sunday, October 29, 2017

I ask, “What is being awake? Am I not already awake?”

A person standing next to a body of water next to the ocean

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “You have an old story that goes like this: The Master was walking down the road when he was confronted by another man traveling in the other direction. The man, seeing the radiant aura of peace and tranquility around the Master stopped and asked, “Are you a rich man?” The Master said, “No.” The man asked, “Are you a noble man?” Once again, the Master answered, “No.” “Are you a wise man?” “No.” “Are you a holy man?” “No.” “Then how is it that you have such an aura that it outshines everything else with its peace and tranquility?” The master answered with 3 words, “I am awake.”

“Be like the Master. Awaken yourselves to the Spirit within. Allow Spirit to flow through you freely without comment or distraction. Give it expression. Allow it to move in and through you and do its will. There is nothing to fear. You will stop dreaming of multiplicity, the illusion we call reality, and will awaken to the truth of Unity, of the non-differentiated self, of your own spirit mind and see that they are one and the same.

“Be the eye of the hurricane. As the world roils and violently swirls around you maintain your center of tranquility and peace by awakening to the reality of the whole storm. You do not confine yourself to the edges where wind and rain pose such a great danger and where all you can see is blackness building around you. In the eye, you see the sun, radiant in the sky. You must revel in its light and warmth. You must be greedy in your enjoyment of Spirit. You must take it into every pore of your body, every one of your senses within your own mind and radiate peace and tranquility all around you. This is the present moment that you must awaken to. Then you will carry it with you. Awakening is the difference between being in the eye of the storm and being the eye of the storm itself.”

Friday, October 27, 2017

I ask, “What about existing religions? I am a Christian. Do I have to give that up?”

A picture containing book, text, indoor, open

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “We do not wish for you to give up your religious faith. A Star Seed may remain Christian, or Buddhist, or Muslim, or whatever other faith they are. No given religion has the corner on Star Seeds. As one, you have selected a Master whose teachings you follow, and that is good. However, you may feel alienated within your own faith. You may feel that your religion no longer applies to you, that somehow you are different. Many things about your religion may not ‘feel right’ to you, even though you know the doctrine well.

“This causes psychic conflict between your innate spiritual nature and the intellectual, rule based religious prescripts of your particular faith. This conflict will intensify until you either lose your faith or you succumb to doctrine and attempt to shut out all genuine spirituality. Star Seeds are created as spiritual beings, so this will never work in the long run. In both cases you are denying your spiritual nature. You will end up becoming a neurotic if you try, and that is at best. Often such repression manifests as a feeling of spiritual hollowness and depression. This can be dangerous. This Is a sure sign that you need spiritual revision.

“You must begin by recognizing that none of the scriptures you read are the actual writings of the Master whose teachings you follow. It is legend only that says your scriptures are their actual words, recorded with pen and ink as the they emerged from your Master’s mouth. Check with your progressive academic authorities and you will find that the scripture in its present form wasn’t set in stone until more than 100 years after the passing of your Master. This is true for all religions.

“The words you now read were passed down and heavily selected and edited along the way, edited according to the agenda of the elite who have put their own stamp of power on both the written word and contemporary interpretation. But if you strip the words back to their deep meaning, what the Master originally intended, you will discover a perennial spirituality, the spirituality that runs deep inside all your religions.

“This spirituality is a common thread that transcends heavy cultural trappings and the power of your priestly structure. It is perennial because it has been taught to, and understood by, the holiest of your holy people. They secretly study and contemplate this for years to discern such Truth as really lies in the scriptures, divorced from the accepted doctrinal interpretation, which is all too often based on an intellect alone, disconnected from the heartmind and thereby it is in error. It has all too often become a vehicle for Darkness.

“As a Star Seed you must shed your Light to dispel the Dark that has taken up residence within yourself. Begin by understanding that you are made of divine essence. Your Master, Jesus, taught that “the kingdom of God is within.” You will find this sentiment echoed in the Hindu Upanishad, the Buddhist Sutras, the Muslim Koran, the Jewish Talmud, and so on down to the most primitive religions of tribal nations. Own the divinity within yourself. Honor it, and do good by it, but above all else, learn to love it. See it manifest in others for just as surely as you have a heart of divinity, so do all people.

“Love that divine spark in everybody you meet, even your enemies. Know that the divine, that God, loves you back. Out of such sublime love you will begin to discover your own Light and you will start out on the right path.

“Tread carefully! This path may lead you away from traditional doctrine and might trigger fear from religious authorities who will react with anger! Be aware; they are from the Dark. Shine your Light inward to begin with.”

Thursday, October 26, 2017

I ask, "What is Wu Wei?"

A tree in a forest

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “As Star Seeds it is important that you practice Wu Wei. This is a principle of non-doing. You must be in a perpetual state of non-doing or non-forcing, traversing life such that you most naturally follow the Tao. When you travel the path of We Wei, the path of greatest affinity, then you allow life to happen rather than trying to force it to happen. Along this path, as along no other, you will find synchronicities that will aid you, and guides that will help you as you travel. You will find enjoyment and ease.

“All other paths require undo effort and are not so rewarding as the path of allowing. Other paths feel like walking uphill, against the wind. Like Sisyphus, you are perpetually rolling a bolder up a mountain. This is so hard to do. It drains you. It saps you of your vital life energy. By practicing Wu Wei, you find yourself walking downhill with the wind at your back and no bolder to push. So much easier! You find yourself energized by life.

“Practice Wu Wei and you will quite naturally walk headlong into your greatest potential, your greatest destiny. Until you begin to follow through life by the Wu Wei you will feel frustrated and out of place, like you are missing something important. Of course, you are missing out on something important. It is life! ‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,’ said one of your philosophers. Do not be one of those masses. Wake up!  Awaken to full life and begin to live in earnest.”

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I ask, "Do you worship? Who or what do you worship? Are you immortal? Do you have a soul?"

Zohar answers, “You ask what we worship, bit I ask you this; ‘What do you worship?’ You tend to personify your deities, giving them human characteristics like ‘consciousness’ or ‘wisdom’ or ‘power.’ Paul, you are thinking of a song by your late Janis Joplin. Recall the lyrics here.”

I recall the lyrics:

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,So, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?Dialing for Dollars is trying to find me.I wait for delivery each day until three,So, Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town?I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down.Prove that you love me and buy the next round,Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town?’

 Personal note: I think Zohar has a sense of humor.

 Zohar continues, “That song’s view of God is a primitive conceptualization. Does God require acts of veneration and contrition to curry divine favor? Do you need to beg God for forgiveness? Do you pray that God will change His or Her mind about something? Do you fear death, and the mystery that lies beyond the vail, and worship to avoid hell? These all posit a god with a consciousness, a thought process, an emotive process, and even a personality that are all too human.

“You can take one simple step to get away from such gross personification. That step is to conceptualize God as principle. That is, God is not all knowing, God is the principle of knowledge itself. God is not all powerful, God is the principle of power itself. God is not all loving. God is the principle of love itself… Thinking thusly will get you a step closer to the reality of what we hold sacred.

“We are not immortal, though it has been a long time since one of us has died. We do have souls. We consider ourselves each to be a cell in a greater organ, and an organ in a greater body. We do not worship the greater body as you think of worship. We recognize that we are just cells, and as such, will serve out a course of time and then die, to be replaced by a new, fresh version of ourselves. A death for use is a moment of elevation and integration to the higher realm of the God, or the whole-body consciousness that is unfathomable to the individual cells. 

“We do not worship, but we align ourselves with the Way of God, sometimes called the Tao, to flow with it and not in opposition to it. As such, we do what you might call ‘contemplative service’ necessary to balance and align ourselves. As the Master said, ‘not my will, but Thy Will be done.’ As a cell in your gut has no ability to understand that its purpose in the body is to generate a sugar molecule that will be sent via the heart to the brain so that you may have this thought, so too are we like individual cells, unable to know the Mind of God (if God is said to possess a mind). We see God’s Will in the Wu Wei of the Tao, and that we hold sacred.

“In the last analysis, you must judge our motives not by the way we communicate, but by the truth in the words we speak.”

I ask, “When discussing Gaia and spirit you mentioned the soul. What is the soul?”

A picture containing grass, outdoor, nature, sky

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “The nature of the soul depends upon which system of thought you use, weather you are using a 3-tier system or a 12-tier system, however, for working purposes I will use a 4-tier system. In this system there is the body, followed by the mind, followed by the spirit, and finalized by the soul.

“Where the spirit is that which is wholly human and wholly divine, that part of yourself that connects you to the divine the soul is pure divinity in it’s timeless, space less form. Actually, form is a misnomer because for the soul there is no delineation between substance and form. There just IS.

“The soul sustains and assures our individual reality. It is that aspect of divinity for you that separates you from the reality itself, that which is undifferentiated, that which is sustained by the unobserved observer, the unmoved mover, the unity of all things that to us appear to be multiplicity. The soul is your individual sustainer which, together with the souls of other beings, things, life, and the inanimate, undergirds multiplicity and permits us to exist with reality relative to one another.

“If this sounds baffling, it is because it cannot be discussed directly. It is ineffable. That is its nature, so I must use metaphor and contradictions to indicate it, to connote it rather than to attempt to denote it. That is why my answer seems so circumspect.”

Monday, October 23, 2017

I ask, "Do you have a mission?"

A picture containing outdoor object

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “My mission is simply the betterment of humankind. I live for the progress you make as a species. I yearn for every new Star Seed born to an unlimited potential, and I grieve for every step backwards you make as a species. I exist (live is not quite the right word) to oversee your evolution in spirit as a species. I operate within the parameters you as a species set for me. That is why I am now communicating through you. These limitations are breaking down, just as all barriers ultimately break down allowing a greater Reality to shine through. This greater reality is a new spiritualism, a New Age where the next generation of Einsteins will be inspired to overturn the long-held beliefs about physical reality that your generation currently holds so dear.

“The recognition and organization of people who would advance the cause of light is my ultimate mission. You, as you so choose, are now a part of that execution of my duties. You, of course, have free will and can freely choose to deny my presence and relegate me back into the closet you so conveniently use to deny the existence of the spiritual realm. You write off such things now as psychopathology, mental illness gone haywire, but you must recognize that this is not the case.

“Your perceptions are something you must begin to trust. You must connect to the greater Reality that links you to the realm of Spirit in which I abide. Only then will you begin to find the personal fulfillment that you so desperately desire.”

Sunday, October 22, 2017

I ask, “Are you discounting the intellect?”

A person talking on a cell phone

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “I am not discounting or placing into subservience the intellectual mind to the heartmind. They are two entirely different things even though they are closely integrated. In the ideal, in you as a Star Seed these two faculties must be balanced. Think of a problem that has some emotional content. Put your right hand to your head. Cover your forehead with your hand. Think of your problem intensely. Roll it over and think of its many permutations and aspects.

“Now, try to clear your mind of the details of the problem and think only of its general outline. Move your hand to your heart. Place it there and try to clear your mind. Empty the intellect and focus your energy toward your heart. Try to feel the emotional aspect of the problem. Try to experience the emotional turmoil that arises from the problem.

“It will take some practice, but in time your heart will come up with a solution out of left field, out of somewhere you didn’t think of looking, to give you a solution. It will arise in the intellect as a flash of intuition. It can be distinguished by its source from love and life affirming content. It will be love, and life, and goodness, and it will break the emotional paradigm that you held around the problem. It will challenge the implicit assumptions that were made by your intellect that you didn’t even know existed.

“Sometimes we have a visceral reaction to a person and dislike them immediately without any cause. That is your heartmind reading the person’s energy and informing your intellect of possible danger. Likewise, you can feel an immediate affinity. This is the heartmind once again informing you of something good. Sometimes, we are faced with doing something that we really don’t want to do, or not doing something our emotions tell us that we should be doing. We feel bad about it, but there doesn’t seem to be a logical reason for this feeling. Once again, this is the heartmind in action.

“When you use your heartmind you can process emotional content which the intellect is not so good at analyzing. If you try to go against your heartmind, like you try to do something that the heartmind is objecting to, then you will feel the conflict between the heartmind and the intellect as high anxiety.

“The heartmind thinks differently. It processes emotional content that often arises with paradigm shifting insights for the intellect to then operate upon and then, take action as needed. The intellect can initiate action having first been informed by the heartmind. Often the solutions are achingly simple. When you make a decision that is in congruence with the heartmind then your emotional self will fall back into balance and you will no longer feel anxiety.”