Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I ask Zohar, “What, if anything, is a principle the Universe operates on in relation to us?”

Zohar answers, “That is simple to express, but very hard to do. It is that you create your own reality. That is the principle that like attracts like, and that the Universe reflects back to you what you put out to it. This means that what you think about, what you truly believe in your heart of hearts is what comes to you in life. It becomes your reality.

You have a spark of divinity within you. You are God expressed in human form. It may not seem so for people who do bad things, but, yes, everybody has God within. This is what gives them their self-awareness or self-consciousness, the ability to step back cognitively and observe your own behavior and ask yourself questions about it and change. It is what gives you free will. Without divinity, you have no free will, and it is precisely this that plays the primary role in creating your own reality.

If you obsess on bad things, then bad things will happen to you. For example, a woman who was abused by her father as a child will end up getting into relationships with abusive men. She will perpetuate the pattern because she is unconsciously focusing on her father and does not feel worthy to have anything better. Likewise, someone who focuses of wanting a loving and respectful relationship will get one. They will attract the right person into their lives and be happy. This principle applies to everything from spiritual enlightenment to money and material products.”

Friday, March 23, 2018

I asked Zohar a question concerning Christianity specifically, and other religions more generally. Oddly enough, he did not give me a written answer. Instead, he gave me this link. It is an interview with a professor at Duke Divinity School, attached to Duke University, and is an expert in prosperity preaching and mega-churches. It is a long interview, but and is well worth watching (if you are Christian). Here is the link: I will enjoy reading your comments.

Friday, March 16, 2018

I ask, "What is Truth?"

Zohar answers, “There is truth (lower case “t”) and Truth (upper case “T”). Truth is not the same as truth for whereas Truth is absolute and unchanging, truth is relative. You can only know things in relation to other things. You are restricted in our knowledge by our own beliefs which are paradigms that serve to reinforce and perpetuate a limited perspective.

“When you believed in a flat earth in western civilization, God resided in the “heavens” above, quite literally looking down on Earth. Creation was a literal, historical event that occurred 6,000 years ago.

“Then, when you believed in a heliocentric universe, God was “outside” the solar system looking in. Creation was still a literal, historical event, but the date was debatable.

“When you believed that the universe consisted of the Milky Way galaxy, God was somehow outside this special bubble looking in. Nobody had a good date for creation, but it was estimated using the age of known stars.

“Then, as more galaxies were observed, it was discovered that the universe is expanding. Space, itself, is expanding. Estimates for a date of creation were based on the big bang. God is outside the universe looking in and initiated the big bang in a singular and fiery act of creation.

“Now, you are beginning to understand that your universe is just one of an uncountable number of universes existing in a form of multiverse. God sits outside the multiverse in sublime contemplation of reality.

“This is the present limits of your understanding. None of these is wrong. They are each a progressive refinement of understanding and belief and knowledge, but as you are still as far away from the Truth now as your ancient ancestor who believed in a flat earth.

“Consider that in all these levels of understanding Truth in the west, God is somehow separate from His creation. These are theories of emanation where God somehow emanates reality from Himself. There is another way to look at things. This is thinking of creation as a theory where God and creation are not separate, but all things have their being in God, and God in them. In everything divinity exists. It exists within everything.

“Divinity then is the indwelling “within” of things that give rise to their reality. This is equally true for rocks as it is for people. Absolutely everything arises from an indwelling divinity that expresses itself as a real thing. In this view, all things have some more or less degree of consciousness. Note, I say “consciousness” not “awareness” or “intellect.” An insect has a relatively smaller consciousness than a person, and a rock has less consciousness still, but in a grand scheme everything is conscious and in a perpetual state of becoming.
“You live in a sea of innumerable universes, each an entire reality encapsulated within itself with its own laws of physics and forms of life. You look toward the source of this vast multiverse in which a single universe is like a bubble in the ocean surf upon the sand and say, ‘That is God!’ It is not.”

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I ask, "Who and what was Jesus?"

Zohar answers, “You may believe that Jesus is the one and only living son of God. You may believe that Jesus was just a moral teacher. I am not going to say which is right and which is wrong. That is for you to decide. I am here to say that whatever you believe Jesus to be, he was and still is, a Master. He is not alone in this. Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohamed, Lau-Tzu, Krishna, and Moses are also Masters, though you may not hold these persons with as high a regard as you do Jesus. That is your personal choice.

“There are those who hold one of these others in higher regard than Jesus. Be aware that there are differences of belief. I do not mean to equate these persons, but whatever your belief is, all the Masters possessed a precious humanity that is the same core root of our own, individual humanity.

“Their original words are lost in the midst of history, and the whole meaning of those words even more so, so do not confuse the present-day actions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus as being indicative of what those Masters taught. Without exception, the Masters taught love in all its various forms and manifestations.

“There is a rift in your religions. It cuts the west from the east. In the west you have Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In the east you have Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. There are others, but these are the big ones. The east, God is the imminent self. God exists as the creation. As such, the individual person is divine. Reality is unity.

“The west, with its emphasis on loving your neighbor and yourself is, at its core quite compelling. But in the west God is seen as entirely separate and apart from the self. The creator and the creation are two very different things and not to be confused with one another. Reality is duality.

“The west’s doctrine of sin and redemption is nonsensical to someone from the east. Likewise, the east’s doctrine of karma and multiple lives is nonsensical to the west. These two have great difficulty reconciling with one another, but there is some common ground.

“There is a more fundamental Truth which encompasses and transcends all of these major religions, both east and west. This consists of the foundational principles that undergird your spiritual knowledge, and fundamental or universal truth. This is what Jesus preached. He was a reformer, and a rebel at the same time, bringing Truth to Jews and gentiles alike.

“Entirely aside from whatever Jesus was and did on this mortal plane, he came to speak the truth to people and that is precisely what he did. The Universal truth of love, both God’s love and human love forms the core of his teachings.

“The Masters are not gone. They will come again. You will yet have Masters walk among you in the New Age.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I ask, "What is God's love like?"

Zohar answers, “God’s love is unique, because all true love originates from God. To understand God’s love, one must have an understanding of God. God is not powerful. God IS Power. God is not all knowing. God IS Knowledge. God is not good. God IS Goodness. In like fashion, God does not love. God IS Love.

“To us, God’s love is like the rays of the sun. You cannot see the rays that warm you. They exist in the infrared part of the spectrum, but even though they are invisible they warm you still. Even if you turn your back to the sun and can no longer see it, it warms you. God’s love is like that. You may have times in your life where you could not see God’s love, but it was and is always there, keeping you warm. It is unconditional. There is nothing you can do, say, or think that will stop God from loving you. It is strong, stronger than all other forms of love as all forms of true love have their roots in God’s love.

“Like other love, however, you must accept God’s love to truly benefit from it. You must allow it into your heart and your head, both, to experience it in its fullness. When you accept God’s love and begin to revel in it, then you will radiate light and love from yourself. You cannot keep God’s love contained. It just wants to bust out all over. That is what happens to you. You show light and that light dispels darkness. Keep in tune with God’s love.

“If you do not know how to tune into that particular frequency, then sit a while in silence, count those things you are truly grateful for, and think of at least 3 good things that have happened to you in the past 24 hours. Do this daily and feel the love touch your heart.  Meditate on that and Gods love will begin to seep in.

“To channel that love, practice random acts of kindness. Send a friendly email, make positive comments on someone’s Facebook page, make friendly conversation with a store clerk, buy lunch for a homeless person… the possibilities are endless. As you channel this love you will find it being magnified within yourself.
“Remember the miracles in your life. Everybody has miracles from the birth of a child, to finding a perfect mate, to having a close friendship, and so on. These are all little miracles and they are evidence of God’s love. Take them to heart. Feel them. Own God’s love greedily for yourself because God’s love is an inexhaustible supply. There is enough for everyone, and much, much more.”

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I ask, “What is forgiveness?”

Zohar answers, “Forgiveness is a white dove. It brings peace to the forgiver as much as the forgiven. It is for the forgiven as they can now begin to process their guilt (should they so choose), but it is mostly for the forgiver, for they can process their anger, disappointment, and grief. Forgiveness is not forgetting, it is not accepting, it is certainly not condoning. It may not even be reconciliation, as reconciliation may not be desirable given the circumstances. The grievance which has been forgiven allows the forgiver to move on with their life. It is closing one chapter in a relationship and opening another.
“The pain is much for those who do not forgive. They grow old, and bitter, and cynical, and angry. These eat away at the soul of the individual and puts them into a hell on earth, a hell in this life. This opens them to the darkness. The unforgiven deeds of others follow them into their karma until one day they finally learn to forgive. So, forgive freely and often. It is liberating for the soul and it spreads the Light.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I ask, "What is love?"

Zohar answers, “Love is a conundrum. It appears here, and then there, as though it was a flittering sparrow hopping from tree to tree. It settles in and nests when there is food and shelter enough to secure its future and the future of its offspring. It is that which it calls home. The tree it settles upon neither lures or repels it by its own mind. It merely provides a place that by happenstance is also habitable.

“Likewise, love settles in where the growth of the individual has made a hospitable place for it to take up residence in the soul. But as for what it is, to describe it as I would a bird, it’s feathers, plumage, and song, would require you to be a little more specific. There are many different aspects of love. There is romantic love, brotherly love, divine love, paternal love… and there is much that people mistake for love.”

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I ask, "You mention reincarnation. Can you describe this?"

Zohar answers, “All persons have multiple lives until they reach a level of spiritual maturity to leave this earthly abode. You are given the choice, but you are also driven by karma. This does not mean that persons who are poor, sick, and abused, are that way because they were bad people in their prior life. No, the poor, sick, abused person might have a higher spiritual calling than a rich, successful, and revered person. The two do not correlate. The rich person may be spiritually immature. They may suffer in this lifetime in ways not evident to the observer.

“The notion you have of living lives sequentially, one after the other like a string of pearls stretched out along the axes of time is wrong. There is no time in the part of you that exists between lives. Your essence is brought form one life to another simultaneously, in parallel, because time Is but an illusion you create to make sense of the world. You organize the string of pearls, one after the other in linear progression but this is mere illusion.
“As a Star Seed, you are close to the end of your cycle of reincarnations. What is beyond earthly existence is not for me to reveal. You have religions to explain this, but I can tell you this much; the formal, written doctrines of your earthly religions are largely wrong. You must meditate on this yourself to derive an answer that satisfies your need for knowledge at this time.”

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I ask, "You mention grace. What is grace?"

Zohar answers, ”Grace is Spirit’s willingness to accept you into Its fold without you having had to earn your place among the stars. Grace is given without consideration for the works you engage in here on earth, or Gaia. This is open freely and completely to all people, be they Star Seeds or be they of the darkness, however, the individual must see, understand, and accept the grace offered by Spirit. Without such acceptance the individual will not receive grace.

“The person who is in darkness is willingly ignorant of the true ways of Spirit and will thus create their own hell by unwittily rejecting the very grace they so greatly desire. Grace is the willingness of Spirit to bring you into full participation with making the decisions that will be put into place in your next life. Without grace, the details of your life will be made by your own karma.

“You will not have a hand in making decisions simply because you do not understand that you have that choice. In fact, everybody has choice. They may even choose not to be reincarnated to this earth but to be given a new form of life altogether different. The possibilities, the choices are infinite. However, you are gently encouraged to reincarnate into a life on earth because this is where your most primitive lessons are learned. So, grace gives one the choice. It is given freely, not earned, and without it you are doomed to repeat the same lessons over and over again. Each time you will be incarnated into worse circumstances until death is all you know. By contrast, grace is life affirming and loving in their purest forms.”

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I ask, "You mentioned the Tao. What is the Tao?"

Zohar answers, “Star Seeds must understand the Tao, a God-like concept that requires you to move out of your head, your intellect, and into your heart to comprehend. First, you must approach the Tao as an infant approaches life. It has no language skills and cannot create a narrative in their head. They have no words for things which prevents them from putting labels on things. They know mother, father, hunger, discomfort, and a few other things and yet it has no words to think “I am hunger” or “I like snuggling with Mommy.” It is this wordless approach to reality that one must assume to approach the Tao.

To mention the Tao, to even give it a name, is to misconstrue it. It is that which cannot be spoken of and yet, without the Tao there would be no Reality. All that is, requires the Tao. It is not unity, it is not multiplicity or duality, it is neither form nor substance, it is not even an “it” since an “it” is an object by definition the Tao is not an object. An object is defined as that which has persistence over time and exists in some form of space, if only mental space. The Tao does neither. It neither consumes space nor does it persist over time. To speak of the Tao is not the Tao. The Tao is ineffable. It cannot be communicated from one human being to another. Instead, it must be experienced firsthand.

One must experience the Tao in order to have even an inkling understanding of it. One must awaken to see the Tao. One must be an empty vessel, a new wine skin open and receptive to experience the Tao as new wine.

The Tao cannot be contemplated, because it is not an object of contemplation. Instead, one must allow it. One must be in a pure state of allowing and the Tao will become clear. If you need an object of contemplation to begin with, then contemplate the uncarved block. The block left uncarved is potentially anything under the hands of a sculptor. It exists as an object of pure potentiality. That contemplation, from the heartmind, will start you in the right direction.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

I ask, “You speak of the great I AM. Is that what we call God?”

Zohar answers, “What you traditionally consider to be God is the collective of the great I AM, the great Spirit, and the divine spirits of the Masters who include Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, and many others throughout history. They all had a spirit that was, as they were, and as we are, wholly human and wholly divine. They are a dual nature, as are all Star Seeds, the difference being that they gave a more perfect expression of their divine being.

“The collective of these is called the Godhead. How you want to break it down into differentiated pieces is largely arbitrary for in fact God is an undifferentiated whole, a great Oneness, something that is not a thought but is a mere I AM. But as I mentioned, the personification of some aspect of the Godhead is a useful exercise because you, in your human form, find it difficult to relate to that which does not technically exist and yet is real. You find it difficult to derive solace, comfort, and meaning from such an entity.

“So, you call it Father-Mother God, Christ, Brahma, or simply God. As you differentiate the different aspects of the Godhead (I AM, Prime Creator, Master Spirits) they differentiate in reality and have their being, but it is something that you are doing so that you can relate.

“Even so, the differentiation is real for you, and thus has a reality in consensus perception, the objective reality that you share and can largely agree upon. However, that reflects the human condition and says more about the nature of humanity than it says about God. That said, one must realize that the Godhead, though seemingly in multiplicity is still oneness in its purest form. The Hebrew scripture put it most succinctly though. God just IS.”

Monday, January 22, 2018

I ask, “Why do you want me to gather Star Seeds?”

A group of people walking in the dark

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “Gathering Star Seeds is critical at this juncture of your history if you are to continue to survive, that is, evolve in Spirit and bring forth the coming age.

“Many Star Seeds are innocents. They do not know the Dark the way you know the Dark. They trust, they have faith, they have many admirable qualities that you do not possess because of your past association with the Dark. It is that past association that makes you able to protect and defend the innocents among you.

“It is now time for you to gather them to protect them from the Dark, which you know all too well, and to bring them together to multiply their light. You were nearly consumed by the Dark. Now you a perfect instrument for Light. Their individual roles will become clear to you as matters progress. The details are not for you to know at this time. For now, just gather.”

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I ask, “Earlier I asked for a definition of the spirit, lower case ‘s.’ What is the definition of the Spirit, capital ‘S’?”

A picture containing nature, sitting

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “Spirit is wholly divine. It is the undifferentiated whole of all things as all things flow from it. It is the consciousness that does not need to be observed to be conscious, the unobserved observer. It is that mover that does not itself need to be moved, the unmoved mover. It is the creative imperative of reality.

“It is what creates the illusion of multiplicity. Itself it is not multiplicity though. It is unity. It is Real and yet it is not an it. Some say that this is the Prime Creator, Father Mother God, and it goes by other names as well. This is because Spirit has a form of consciousness, and most importantly, Spirit loves. That is why we so often choose to personify it, but we must be careful because personification, though a useful step to have an intimate, personal connection with the Prime Creator can also instill misconception and intellectual error.

“That is what occurs when you become dogmatic adhering to a primitive, fundamentalist worldview. These are mere clumsy metaphors for that which is beyond human comprehension, but not, oddly, beyond human apprehension. There is a difference, a gulf between these as large as the sea. Do not confuse Spirit with the final or ultimate I AM, for lack of a better word. Whereas Spirit is the motive and creative force or aspect of Reality the great I AM is the sustainer that makes the creation possible. Without Spirit, reality would be an undifferentiated whole. Without the great I AM there would be no reality at all. That is the OM, and is the real I AM.”

Thursday, January 11, 2018

I ask, "Why am I sickly?"

This is a special post. I haven’t been posting recently because I have been in the hospital… twice. I am hospitalized on a regular basis. I have a collection of maladies that include kidney failure and a failed back surgery. So, I asked Zohar “Why am I sickly?” The answer may not resonate with other people. It may be strictly for me.

A picture containing indoor, sitting, table, floor

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “Do you really want to hear this? Think before you read or listen further. You are sick because it is necessary. You have brought it upon yourself. Due to your illnesses you now have a conviction that you will not live many years longer. Gone is your hope of living a long and productive life. Gone is the prospect that you will live to see your 100th birthday. You have researched the science and statistics and now believe that you will live a mere 10 years from now. Is that correct?

“The truth is that you will live as long as you truly expect to live. You, yourself, establish your own longevity. You, yourself, are in control. The reason for the illnesses is to give you this sense of foreshortened lifespan which is what now motivates you to communicate as we are doing now.

“You require the motivation, the urgency to find meaning and purpose in your life to take action. For this reason, it is necessary, however, it is not inevitable. Keep this in mind as you go forward with your work. People have been healed from worse than what afflicts you now. It is possible, but you must believe. You must have faith. The work you do with me will give you that, and that is why you are sickly.”

Thursday, January 4, 2018

I ask, "Where are you from?"

A picture containing outdoor object, star

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “That is immaterial. We have spread out among the stars so completely that we ceased having a home planet many thousands of years ago. Like you, we evolve, and like you, we are not the same as we were when we first engaged with your species. It might be more productive if you ask “WHEN are you from,” or “HOW are you from?” We are extraterrestrial/extra-dimensional beings. We exist between worlds, and we exist on many worlds where we are conducting the same experiments we have done to your species on earth. Like you, in fits and starts, they are coming along and will soon leave their planets to begin exploration of the galaxy.

“There are other species like us who are also conducting experiments on your Star Seeds. Most of these we coordinate with so as not to disrupt one another’s goals. For the most part these goals are beneficent, but there are a few who do not have humankind’s best self in mind. Those are the Dark ones. Those are the ones we combat, and for the most part, we win, but there are still cases of their experimentation that we cannot reverse.

So… returning to your question as to “Where” we come from, we come from your own world and dimensions beyond your world, all coexistent with you but unseen by your limited perception. We coexist. We walk beside you. In a sense, we ARE you, a thousand years hence.”