Thursday, January 11, 2018

I ask, "Why am I sickly?"

This is a special post. I haven’t been posting recently because I have been in the hospital… twice. I am hospitalized on a regular basis. I have a collection of maladies that include kidney failure and a failed back surgery. So, I asked Zohar “Why am I sickly?” The answer may not resonate with other people. It may be strictly for me.

A picture containing indoor, sitting, table, floor

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “Do you really want to hear this? Think before you read or listen further. You are sick because it is necessary. You have brought it upon yourself. Due to your illnesses you now have a conviction that you will not live many years longer. Gone is your hope of living a long and productive life. Gone is the prospect that you will live to see your 100th birthday. You have researched the science and statistics and now believe that you will live a mere 10 years from now. Is that correct?

“The truth is that you will live as long as you truly expect to live. You, yourself, establish your own longevity. You, yourself, are in control. The reason for the illnesses is to give you this sense of foreshortened lifespan which is what now motivates you to communicate as we are doing now.

“You require the motivation, the urgency to find meaning and purpose in your life to take action. For this reason, it is necessary, however, it is not inevitable. Keep this in mind as you go forward with your work. People have been healed from worse than what afflicts you now. It is possible, but you must believe. You must have faith. The work you do with me will give you that, and that is why you are sickly.”

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