Zohar answers, ”Grace
is Spirit’s willingness to accept you into Its fold without you having had to
earn your place among the stars. Grace is given without consideration for the works
you engage in here on earth, or Gaia. This is open freely and completely to all
people, be they Star Seeds or be they of the darkness, however, the individual
must see, understand, and accept the grace offered by Spirit. Without such
acceptance the individual will not receive grace.
“The person who is in darkness is willingly ignorant of the
true ways of Spirit and will thus create their own hell by unwittily rejecting
the very grace they so greatly desire. Grace is the willingness of Spirit to
bring you into full participation with making the decisions that will be put
into place in your next life. Without grace, the details of your life will be
made by your own karma.
“You will not have a hand in making decisions simply because
you do not understand that you have that choice. In fact, everybody has choice.
They may even choose not to be reincarnated to this earth but to be given a new
form of life altogether different. The possibilities, the choices are infinite.
However, you are gently encouraged to reincarnate into a life on earth because
this is where your most primitive lessons are learned. So, grace gives one the choice.
It is given freely, not earned, and without it you are doomed to repeat the
same lessons over and over again. Each time you will be incarnated into worse
circumstances until death is all you know. By contrast, grace is life affirming
and loving in their purest forms.”
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