Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I ask, "What is love?"

Zohar answers, “Love is a conundrum. It appears here, and then there, as though it was a flittering sparrow hopping from tree to tree. It settles in and nests when there is food and shelter enough to secure its future and the future of its offspring. It is that which it calls home. The tree it settles upon neither lures or repels it by its own mind. It merely provides a place that by happenstance is also habitable.

“Likewise, love settles in where the growth of the individual has made a hospitable place for it to take up residence in the soul. But as for what it is, to describe it as I would a bird, it’s feathers, plumage, and song, would require you to be a little more specific. There are many different aspects of love. There is romantic love, brotherly love, divine love, paternal love… and there is much that people mistake for love.”

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