Thursday, January 25, 2018

I ask, “You speak of the great I AM. Is that what we call God?”

Zohar answers, “What you traditionally consider to be God is the collective of the great I AM, the great Spirit, and the divine spirits of the Masters who include Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, and many others throughout history. They all had a spirit that was, as they were, and as we are, wholly human and wholly divine. They are a dual nature, as are all Star Seeds, the difference being that they gave a more perfect expression of their divine being.

“The collective of these is called the Godhead. How you want to break it down into differentiated pieces is largely arbitrary for in fact God is an undifferentiated whole, a great Oneness, something that is not a thought but is a mere I AM. But as I mentioned, the personification of some aspect of the Godhead is a useful exercise because you, in your human form, find it difficult to relate to that which does not technically exist and yet is real. You find it difficult to derive solace, comfort, and meaning from such an entity.

“So, you call it Father-Mother God, Christ, Brahma, or simply God. As you differentiate the different aspects of the Godhead (I AM, Prime Creator, Master Spirits) they differentiate in reality and have their being, but it is something that you are doing so that you can relate.

“Even so, the differentiation is real for you, and thus has a reality in consensus perception, the objective reality that you share and can largely agree upon. However, that reflects the human condition and says more about the nature of humanity than it says about God. That said, one must realize that the Godhead, though seemingly in multiplicity is still oneness in its purest form. The Hebrew scripture put it most succinctly though. God just IS.”

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