Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I ask, "What is God's love like?"

Zohar answers, “God’s love is unique, because all true love originates from God. To understand God’s love, one must have an understanding of God. God is not powerful. God IS Power. God is not all knowing. God IS Knowledge. God is not good. God IS Goodness. In like fashion, God does not love. God IS Love.

“To us, God’s love is like the rays of the sun. You cannot see the rays that warm you. They exist in the infrared part of the spectrum, but even though they are invisible they warm you still. Even if you turn your back to the sun and can no longer see it, it warms you. God’s love is like that. You may have times in your life where you could not see God’s love, but it was and is always there, keeping you warm. It is unconditional. There is nothing you can do, say, or think that will stop God from loving you. It is strong, stronger than all other forms of love as all forms of true love have their roots in God’s love.

“Like other love, however, you must accept God’s love to truly benefit from it. You must allow it into your heart and your head, both, to experience it in its fullness. When you accept God’s love and begin to revel in it, then you will radiate light and love from yourself. You cannot keep God’s love contained. It just wants to bust out all over. That is what happens to you. You show light and that light dispels darkness. Keep in tune with God’s love.

“If you do not know how to tune into that particular frequency, then sit a while in silence, count those things you are truly grateful for, and think of at least 3 good things that have happened to you in the past 24 hours. Do this daily and feel the love touch your heart.  Meditate on that and Gods love will begin to seep in.

“To channel that love, practice random acts of kindness. Send a friendly email, make positive comments on someone’s Facebook page, make friendly conversation with a store clerk, buy lunch for a homeless person… the possibilities are endless. As you channel this love you will find it being magnified within yourself.
“Remember the miracles in your life. Everybody has miracles from the birth of a child, to finding a perfect mate, to having a close friendship, and so on. These are all little miracles and they are evidence of God’s love. Take them to heart. Feel them. Own God’s love greedily for yourself because God’s love is an inexhaustible supply. There is enough for everyone, and much, much more.”

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