Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I ask, “What do you mean by “forgetting” everything? How can I forget everything and still be able to do anything?”

A close up of a green field

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar responds, “The piano player spends long, arduous hours learning skills, hand placement, finger movement. He learns how hard to press the keys, how to time their depression with the rest of the notes he is playing. After 10,000 hours though, he plays without any thought as to these things. He no longer thinks about his hands or fingers. He has forgotten everything he ever learned when he is playing his best because imposing what he knows would render his performance strained and artificial.

“So too, you, have spent more than 10,000 hours in life. Forget it! You will be much the better for that. Free yourself of the constraints you have learned in your 10,000 hours of life. You will be able to live in the moment which is here and then gone in less than the blink of an eye. You fish in the stream that is never the same. You throw in your line, the water moves, but you remain steadfast with your lure as the stream changes all around you. Step in, and allow it to flow around you freely. Wake up! Go fishing!”

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