Friday, December 22, 2017

I ask, "What is the meaning of Christmas?"

A person looking at the camera

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “You, as a species, have the creativity and spiritual insight to turn a time of darkness into a symbol of light. I am speaking of the holiday season, specifically Christmas and Hanukkah. Your ancestors responded to the shortening of days and the descent of winter in this uniquely human style. Darkness is growing, but so is light. Light promises to vanquish the darkness with its presence, as you Star Seeds vanquish darkness by merely shining your own light brilliantly.

Do not forget that in this time of holiday cheer, there are more people, Star Seeds like yourself, who do not possess the spirit of the season. The suffer from depression and other psychological maladies, acutely felt during this time of year. Whatever the cause, it is a fact that there are more suicide attempts during this season than in any other part of the year. Many of those who suffer are Star Seeds. Star Seeds may suffer more dramatically because they feel life more passionately, they are attuned to the life force more strongly than other people.
At this time of year, when so any people are in celebration, Want is more keenly felt for Lack is more sufficiently emphasized. So, as you go about your holiday traditions, be mindful of yourself, and of others, and be sure that the light you have shines into every corner of your life, both within you and without where others can benefit from its brilliance. This way, you will experience a true season of light.

Friday, December 15, 2017

I ask, "What am I?"

A picture containing water, person, woman, outdoor

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “As a Star Seed, you are fully human, and yet you are something more. 50,000 years ago, were confined to a small patch of Africa. These ancestors of yours were not self-aware. They didn’t have the ability to view the workings of their own mind from the perspective of an observer, removed from your behavior. Likewise, you were not aware of your own mortality. You did not ponder the great spiritual questions of life and death.

“At first, we ran into dead-ends and we continued attempting to develop a self-evolving species with the right balance of intelligence and self-awareness. We not only wanted a species that was intelligent, but we wanted one that had the capacity to view their own thoughts and emotions from within themselves, as a third party, divorced from their behaviors. Such a being would also be awareness of their own mortality. About 50,000 years ago we saw the potential of a particular tribe in Africa and we began to focus our attention on that tribe. Your ancestors multiplied necessitating more of us to track and develop you as an ancient, delicate new sub-species. You soon wiped out your competitors, the nearest being Neanderthal Man.

“We began to alter your genes in very subtle ways to enhance intelligence and what can only be called your ‘spiritual gifts.’ With this intervention, a sub-species of you became self-aware for the first time. In time, you began to over-populate the region, meaning that the food supply was insufficient to support everybody. You began to solve this problem with genocide. You wiped out the proto-human sub-species that had not been genetically enhanced with intelligence and awareness. Once this proved insufficient, you began to migrate to adjacent regions where food was plentiful. Once again, overpopulation resulted in more migrations requiring more adaptation. Thus, you became a self-evolving species.”

Thursday, December 7, 2017

I ask, “Are Star Seeds alien hybrids?”

A picture containing indoor, table, sitting

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “What is alien? Is stardust alien? When humankind was in its infancy, 50,000 years ago, we recognized your potential to rise as an intelligent species that could dominate the world and could eventually reach for the stars. How do you suppose your species suddenly began to migrate far from its roots in Africa, where it had been content for millions of years, to every corner of the globe? The development of your different races is literally skin deep. Less than 50,000 years ago you were all one race, born in Africa. Then, as if by magic, you all began to migrate across often barren, inhospitable landscapes. Ask yourself why? I will tell you this: It wasn’t magic.

“Prior to that stage of human development your species lacked something fundamental that sheer evolution would not provide if left to its own devices. At that time, we began to intervene. We made sure that humankind developed true consciousness, self-consciousness, self-awareness, as you think of it today. Sure, many animals are conscious. They are aware of, and respond to, their environment. They can even picture how some action of theirs would change their world, for better or worse. Still, the beasts of the field do not have self-awareness, that is, they do not have the ability to step outside their mental processes and view themselves as if they were watching a movie.

“Humans can observe themselves. You can observe the machinations of your own mind. You have the ability to project into the distant future, and most importantly, you are aware of your own mortality. This in and of itself raises you above the other proto-human species that existed side-by-side with you in those early days.

“Step by tiny step you began to connect with the divine. You began to claim your heritage as a divine entity, a fledgling partner in that vast universal consciousness. To continue along this track, the Star Seeds must take the next leap in spiritual development which is a natural step beyond yourselves as you already are.

“One day will come and the Star Seeds will awaken to the new spirituality. Until then, Star Seeds can practice their internal self-observer until it is second nature, until you can observe yourself, observing yourself! With this accomplished the love that will pour from you will be capable of dispelling even the worst darkness.”

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I ask, “What do you mean by “forgetting” everything? How can I forget everything and still be able to do anything?”

A close up of a green field

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar responds, “The piano player spends long, arduous hours learning skills, hand placement, finger movement. He learns how hard to press the keys, how to time their depression with the rest of the notes he is playing. After 10,000 hours though, he plays without any thought as to these things. He no longer thinks about his hands or fingers. He has forgotten everything he ever learned when he is playing his best because imposing what he knows would render his performance strained and artificial.

“So too, you, have spent more than 10,000 hours in life. Forget it! You will be much the better for that. Free yourself of the constraints you have learned in your 10,000 hours of life. You will be able to live in the moment which is here and then gone in less than the blink of an eye. You fish in the stream that is never the same. You throw in your line, the water moves, but you remain steadfast with your lure as the stream changes all around you. Step in, and allow it to flow around you freely. Wake up! Go fishing!”