Friday, March 23, 2018

I asked Zohar a question concerning Christianity specifically, and other religions more generally. Oddly enough, he did not give me a written answer. Instead, he gave me this link. It is an interview with a professor at Duke Divinity School, attached to Duke University, and is an expert in prosperity preaching and mega-churches. It is a long interview, but and is well worth watching (if you are Christian). Here is the link: I will enjoy reading your comments.

Friday, March 16, 2018

I ask, "What is Truth?"

Zohar answers, “There is truth (lower case “t”) and Truth (upper case “T”). Truth is not the same as truth for whereas Truth is absolute and unchanging, truth is relative. You can only know things in relation to other things. You are restricted in our knowledge by our own beliefs which are paradigms that serve to reinforce and perpetuate a limited perspective.

“When you believed in a flat earth in western civilization, God resided in the “heavens” above, quite literally looking down on Earth. Creation was a literal, historical event that occurred 6,000 years ago.

“Then, when you believed in a heliocentric universe, God was “outside” the solar system looking in. Creation was still a literal, historical event, but the date was debatable.

“When you believed that the universe consisted of the Milky Way galaxy, God was somehow outside this special bubble looking in. Nobody had a good date for creation, but it was estimated using the age of known stars.

“Then, as more galaxies were observed, it was discovered that the universe is expanding. Space, itself, is expanding. Estimates for a date of creation were based on the big bang. God is outside the universe looking in and initiated the big bang in a singular and fiery act of creation.

“Now, you are beginning to understand that your universe is just one of an uncountable number of universes existing in a form of multiverse. God sits outside the multiverse in sublime contemplation of reality.

“This is the present limits of your understanding. None of these is wrong. They are each a progressive refinement of understanding and belief and knowledge, but as you are still as far away from the Truth now as your ancient ancestor who believed in a flat earth.

“Consider that in all these levels of understanding Truth in the west, God is somehow separate from His creation. These are theories of emanation where God somehow emanates reality from Himself. There is another way to look at things. This is thinking of creation as a theory where God and creation are not separate, but all things have their being in God, and God in them. In everything divinity exists. It exists within everything.

“Divinity then is the indwelling “within” of things that give rise to their reality. This is equally true for rocks as it is for people. Absolutely everything arises from an indwelling divinity that expresses itself as a real thing. In this view, all things have some more or less degree of consciousness. Note, I say “consciousness” not “awareness” or “intellect.” An insect has a relatively smaller consciousness than a person, and a rock has less consciousness still, but in a grand scheme everything is conscious and in a perpetual state of becoming.
“You live in a sea of innumerable universes, each an entire reality encapsulated within itself with its own laws of physics and forms of life. You look toward the source of this vast multiverse in which a single universe is like a bubble in the ocean surf upon the sand and say, ‘That is God!’ It is not.”

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I ask, "Who and what was Jesus?"

Zohar answers, “You may believe that Jesus is the one and only living son of God. You may believe that Jesus was just a moral teacher. I am not going to say which is right and which is wrong. That is for you to decide. I am here to say that whatever you believe Jesus to be, he was and still is, a Master. He is not alone in this. Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohamed, Lau-Tzu, Krishna, and Moses are also Masters, though you may not hold these persons with as high a regard as you do Jesus. That is your personal choice.

“There are those who hold one of these others in higher regard than Jesus. Be aware that there are differences of belief. I do not mean to equate these persons, but whatever your belief is, all the Masters possessed a precious humanity that is the same core root of our own, individual humanity.

“Their original words are lost in the midst of history, and the whole meaning of those words even more so, so do not confuse the present-day actions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus as being indicative of what those Masters taught. Without exception, the Masters taught love in all its various forms and manifestations.

“There is a rift in your religions. It cuts the west from the east. In the west you have Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In the east you have Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. There are others, but these are the big ones. The east, God is the imminent self. God exists as the creation. As such, the individual person is divine. Reality is unity.

“The west, with its emphasis on loving your neighbor and yourself is, at its core quite compelling. But in the west God is seen as entirely separate and apart from the self. The creator and the creation are two very different things and not to be confused with one another. Reality is duality.

“The west’s doctrine of sin and redemption is nonsensical to someone from the east. Likewise, the east’s doctrine of karma and multiple lives is nonsensical to the west. These two have great difficulty reconciling with one another, but there is some common ground.

“There is a more fundamental Truth which encompasses and transcends all of these major religions, both east and west. This consists of the foundational principles that undergird your spiritual knowledge, and fundamental or universal truth. This is what Jesus preached. He was a reformer, and a rebel at the same time, bringing Truth to Jews and gentiles alike.

“Entirely aside from whatever Jesus was and did on this mortal plane, he came to speak the truth to people and that is precisely what he did. The Universal truth of love, both God’s love and human love forms the core of his teachings.

“The Masters are not gone. They will come again. You will yet have Masters walk among you in the New Age.”