Thursday, November 30, 2017

I ask, “How do I live in the present?”

A street sign in front of a brick building

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “Living in the present is not so hard as one might think. You are doing it all the time! You just don’t know it. When a real musician, a violinist for example, plays their instrument they do not dwell on the note they just played, and they do not fret about the note to come. If they were to do so it would detract from the moment, the present now. They have forgotten all that they have learned and they relish in the present note, the note they are now playing as that is the only note worthwhile. They do not dread the next.

“Likewise, an athlete like a runner does not fret about his last step or dread the next. He is absorbed in the present step, it’s form, it’s swiftness, it’s elegance. He lives in that current step and nowhere else. Winning the race is a secondary result of running a sequence of good steps. Like the violinist, he has lost all knowledge of what he has learned in order to run the best race he can, that he is able to do.

“This is living in the present. Forget everything and wake up and you will be a Master too, you will take your place among their ranks.”

Thursday, November 16, 2017

I ask, "What is time?"

A picture containing cake, sandglass, sitting, ground

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “Time is something you are born into. Time is the regulation of cause and effect, or so it seems, but there is a principle you have in science called “symmetry.” It means many things, but with regards to time it says that there is an arrow of time that relates cause before effect, leading to more causes, more effects, and so on. However, symmetry says that you can run all the formula’s backwards. You can literally run the clock backward. You can turn the arrow of time around and go from effect back to cause. It makes no difference. The universe functions quite well whichever way the arrow of time is pointing.

“There is an ancient tribe of American Indian that has just one word for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. When they mean “yesterday,” they say the word while pointing backwards. When they mean to say “tomorrow” they say the word with their finger pointed forward, and when they mean “today” they point up. Thus, the same word conveys what appears to be three different meanings but is, in fact, one and the same.

“Tomorrow and yesterday do not exist. They are mere phantoms. Yesterday is remorse, guilt, grief, and fond recollections. Tomorrow is worry, anxiety, and fear, and anticipation. These emotions are real, and nothing else.

“So, what does exist? Today exists. The now exists. The infinitesimal present moment exists and is going nowhere. Here is where you must live. Not in the past or the future but in the present moment. So, you can quite comfortably forget about the past and future and live only in the now which is where you reside. Only this way will you see truth that transcends time."

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I ask, “You mention ‘consensus reality.’ What is that?”

A picture containing water, outdoor

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, “Consensus reality is that reality you share with other people. It is the collective of perceptional generators such as objects and living organisms that you all perceive in a similar way. For example, you can put a rock in the road and trip on it. Other people walking down the same road will trip over the same rock (or step around!) The rock, therefore, is consensus reality.

“That said, there is actually very little about the reality of the rock that is consensus. The fact that we call it a rock, and that it exists in time and space, or “persists,” is something we can agree upon, but that is where consensus ends.

“To take a personal example from Paul’s life, when he was getting married he and his bride didn’t want their mothers to wear the same color dress so Paul called his mother and asked her, “What color is your dress?” She said “blue.” Paul’s bride to be asked her mother “What color is your dress.” She said “green.” Potential crisis averted. They are wearing different colored dresses, or so Paul thought.

“On the day of the wedding, the two mothers not only showed up wearing dresses that were the same color, they were wearing the same exact dress! This demonstrates where and how consensus reality can break down. The fact that they were wearing dresses was agreed upon by all parties. The fact that the dresses had some form of color was also agreed upon, however, what that dress was and what that color was, was not part of consensus. People had their own percepts, descriptor or language, and so on.

“So, consensus reality is a tricky thing it is sometimes like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. It doesn’t want to stay put. When dealing with matters of the Spirit and of ultimate Reality you can say that there is consensus to a degree, but though you may have similar experiences that inform your particular thoughts and feelings about the divine you find that, when comparing notes, your individuality has colored your experience so your consensus as to the nature of the divine only goes so far before it breaks down into the differentiated multiplicity that is you.”

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I ask, “But I doubt! How do I manage doubt?"

A sunset in the background

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “As a Star Seed, you manage doubt by opening your heartmind to the universal information and energy that surrounds you. Doubt exists in the mind. The heart has no doubt. It is pure, doubt free, filled with faith which, as the Master said, can move a mountain, cure the sick and even raise the dead.

“‘Think’ with your heartmind and faith will follow. Get out of your head and doubt will dissipate. Your heart is the conduit for what you need to dispel doubt. Through it, you can learn, and through learning the lessons of the heartmind you can overcome the doubt that arises from your purely intellectual mind.
“Your problem is quite literally that you think too much! Stop thinking, and start feeling. When you “feel” healthy, own that reality. That will free you of doubt and open doors you never knew existed.”

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I ask, "What is faith?"

A picture containing outdoor, grass, sky, tree

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “It is important for Star Seeds to cultivate faith. Without faith, a Star Seed can do nothing, but with faith a Star Seed can do anything. So, what is faith? Faith is believing. Faith is knowing. Faith is believing, regardless of the conventional wisdom. Faith is knowing regardless of consensus reality.

“When I know that I can move a mountain, as the Master said, then the mountain will move. It is because I harbor no doubt that faith works. Doubt is the poison pill that must be shunned. It is difficult, I know, for your intellect wants to rationalize away the power of faith. Your intellect wishes to find a materialistic excuse for faith, and the power faith has.

“Doubt is a little fragment of darkness residing in the back corner of your conscious mind thereby limiting what powers you have. To dispel doubt, you must use your heartmind. The heartmind does not doubt. It does not think as intellect thinks but is able to discern right from wrong for you. I say, “for you” because each person is different. Your Achilles heel is your intellect and connection to the materialistic science you were raised with. Throw that away!

“I do not mean to denigrate science as it provides for the great technologies that are drawing your world together, but I do say that doubt resides in the scientific mind and to dispel doubt you must move away from materialism which is so prominent in your philosophies today.”

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Reducing posts to 2 or 3 a week.

There seems to be a certain degree of controversy over my posts from Zohar, so, I will stop posting every day. I will back off to 2 or 3 posts a week. Zohar informs me that this will give the Star Seeds more opportunity to absorb the material he is presenting. He wants me to once again reassure everyone that it is not his intention to change anyone’s religion. His communication is to give Star Seeds the spiritual clarity that will be needed to face the coming times.

Friday, November 3, 2017

I ask, "How do we struggle?"

A picture containing outdoor, water, grass, sky

Description generated with very high confidenceZohar answers, “You struggle by spreading Light, by exposing darkness and dispelling it through the shine of light into the corners and recesses where darkness resides. This is the struggle. It is keeping the Light up high so that it dispels darkness. Each Star Seed has a light that burns bright. They must let their light shine. As they draw together, their collective light will outshine any darkness or shadow.

“You are stronger together than apart. You have a collective ability to reach every corner of Gaia in a network of Light. Draw together and the individual roles of each Star Seed will become clear. Until then, focus your energy on Light, Love, and Wisdom. These are what you wish to manifest in your world and you will ultimately manifest what you focus your energy upon.

“Do not dwell upon darkness or you risk the cultivation of fear and therein lies danger. You must cultivate faith instead, for it is through faith that all things are possible.”

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I ask, "Would you have the forces of Light battle the forces of Darkness?"

Zohar answers, “Battle is a poor choice of words. Struggle is more like it. It is a forgone conclusion that light will win. Darkness is not a single ‘thing.’ Rather, it is the lack of light. Lights come in varying colors and hues, as many as there are colors in the rainbow. Thus, the individual light of a single Star Seed can be distinguished from the others, not by its contrast with the Darkness but by its particular color. It is true that a white dot on a white piece of paper cannot be seen whereas the white dot on a paper that has been painted with all the colors of the rainbow is easily seen. Thus, we do not need Darkness to have light.

“Darkness is destined to fail just as knowledge and wisdom ultimately always triumph over ignorance and fear. You may find this difficult to understand or believe given the prevalence of dark forces in your world today. It may seem like they are proliferating and that things are getting worse, like the world is falling into the shadows, but hear me; the darkness will not overcome. In the long run it will always fail.

“The only question is whether or not Light will triumph in this generation or in some future iteration of mankind many eons from now. That assumes the worse, that you and the forces of darkness annihilate yourselves. At present, that is a very real possibility. That is the true danger against which the Star Seeds and other forces of light must struggle.”

I ask, "How do I recognize the Dark?"

A picture containing indoor, cat, sitting, outdoor object

Description generated with high confidenceZohar answers, "The darkness is plain to see. If a person operates from selfish motives, from self-imposed ignorance, denying the existence of universal moral principle, then they are in darkness. Beware of ignorance, anger, lust, and fear, for these lead into darkness. Beware of persons of wealth and success who give with the intent of gaining the admiration of others. Such giving is self-centered and flows from darkness. Such giving is giving with only the thought of reward, of what the individual can gain by the gift. Such persons are in darkness. Lust, in the broadest sense of the word means desire for things, wealth, power, the admiration of others, and such, leads to darkness.

"Self-imposed ignorance as persons will readily discount and even show great anger and fear toward something they do not yet understand leads to darkness. Such people live in self-imposed ignorance. They are ignorant by choice. They do not take the time and expend the effort to educate themselves about that which is the object of their hate and fear. There is a lot of this going on in the world today. Since people fear that which they do not understand, ignorance is pervasive in those who show great anger and fear.

"Some of your fundamentalist religions are filled with this. They think of demons and devils and court the dark by falling, quite on purpose, to remain in darkness. They will rail against the Star Seeds and their force of light simply because the Light does not fit into their rigid world view. I do not mean to condemn all fundamentalists. Some such people are quite well intentioned, but their intentions are not good enough. They still participate in the darkness and so must be shown the Light to receive Grace.

"This is the purpose of the Star Seeds; to radiate Light that will dispel darkness. Those in darkness chase shadows while those in light chase Light and Light casts away shadows by its mere existence. Light does not have to “do” anything to chase away darkness other than to simply Be. That is the power of light. Do not associate yourself with darkness. If you surround yourself with it, then you will be tempted. You will be in danger of slipping into it as one falls into a hole if they tread too close to the edge. Surround yourself with Light.

"All Star Seeds must do this, for light with light is greater in power. It multiplies and brings about that which is the focus. Darkness cannot stand against it. Even when you think the forces of darkness are promulgating, that is merely illusion. Darkness is retreating as we approach the New Age of Light. The coming revolution of Spirit will dispel darkness once and for all. Be this. Have excitement about this. Allow this to drive your life and your light will shine ever more brightly."